Cannabis Rules & Regulations: Kansas

Kansas Cannabis History

Cannabis use in Kansas is fully illegal, with the exception of THC-free CBD oil.  CBD oil was legalized in 2018 with the passage of SB 282 which exempted CBD oil from the definition of marijuana.

In 2019, Claire and Lola’s law allows patients with specific diagnosed illnesses to possess CBD products containing up to 5 percent THC.

Most recently in 2021, SB92, a medical cannabis bill was introduced.  If passed, this bill would allow registered patients to use, grow, and safely access medical cannabis, making Kansas the 37th state to legalize medical cannabis.

Kansas Child-Resistant Packaging Rules

With nebulous state laws surrounding the production and sale of CBD products, it's difficult to determine the exact requirements for child-resistant packaging in Kansas.  However, the following general requirements should be included on the label or packaging of all CBD products:

  • CBD form (broad-spectrum, isolate)
  • Amount of active CBD per serving
  • Net weight
  • Suggested use
  • Supplemental Facts label, including other ingredients
  • Manufacturer/distributor name
  • Date or batch code 

Federal standards outlined in The Poison Prevention Packaging Act would also apply.

Please refer to §1700.15   Poison prevention packaging standards for additional details on child-safe packaging and labeling requirements.

Useful Links for Kansas Cannabis Regulations

Kansas Uniform Controlled Substances Act; Definition of Marijuana; SB 282

Kansas Marijuana Laws and Penalties

Kansas Industrial Hemp Regulations

Kansas Hemp Growers Application

Kansas Application for Industrial Hemp Growing License

Editor's Note: Status as of 4/1/2021

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