Cannabis Rules & Regulations: Mississippi

Mississippi Cannabis History

While recreational cannabis use remains illegal in Mississippi, medical marijuana will likely become available in 2021.  CBD oil with at least 15% CBD and 0.5% THC or less is allowed for patients with certain types of epilepsy.

The use of CBD oil was approved in 2014 with HB 1231, or ‘Harper Grace’s Law’.    
An effort to enact Initiative 65 is underway, which would expand access to 22 qualifying conditions and make medical marijuana available instead of only hemp-derived CBD oil.

Mississippi Child-Resistant Packaging Rules

Mississippi’s child-safe packaging and labeling requirements are outlined in Part 3001: MS Pharmacy Practice Regulations.  However, since state and federal laws regarding CBD products are currently nebulous, no CBD or cannabis-specific packaging and labeling requirements currently exist in the state.  The following general labeling standards can be expected on labels:
  • a generic caution symbol
  • Date Of Harvest
  • Licensee’s Name
  • Producer And Packager’s License Number
  • Statewide Monitoring System’s Assigned Tag Or Source Number
  • Package Or Harvest’s Unique Identification Number, If Applicable
  • Strain name
  • Net weight and THC/CBD concentration
  • Activation Time Expressed Through A Pictogram Or In Words
  • Safety Compliance Facility Where Tests Were Performed
  • Batch Number
  • Date Of Any Test Analysis

Regulations outlined in The Poison Prevention Packaging Act also apply, and further details can be found in §1700.15   Poison prevention packaging standards.

Useful Links for Mississippi Cannabis Regulations

Mississippi Department of Health Medical Marijuana Planning Information 
Initiative Measure #65
Initiative Measure #65A, a proposed alternative
Mississippi Laws and Penalties


Mississippi Cannabis Growers Application

Mississippi Marijuana Business Licenses law

Editor's Note: Status as of 4/1/2021

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